Change is everywhere. How are you handling it? Whether your feelings of unease, anxiety, or anger stem from personal challenges or a world that is constantly changing and seems out of control, you're not alone. A single social media post, shifts in personal...
New Year new beginnings… or the same old worries, fears, and challenges?
It’s interesting to ponder the idea of new beginnings as we view our personal and the global events of last year. How did you traverse them both physically and emotionally? Were you able to find peace or calm during a challenge? Or did you find yourself regretting...
Navigating the relationship with yourself and others and more easily
How to set boundaries that work for you to feel calm, confident and connected Have you ever responded quickly to someone and then wished you had taken a pause before you responded? I think we all have. It’s so easy to get triggered by what somewhat said or did?...
Where are You Being Nudged to Change?
As we know nothing in life is static. If we look outside, we know everything in nature changes from the light of day to the darkness of the nighttime. We experience the continuous flow from one season to the next and watch the growth of a seed to a full-grown plant.As...
6 Steps to Relax and Reset
The Power of the Pause Have you felt more tired, have trouble sleeping, are out of sorts, and are finding time just seems to fly by faster and faster and faster? This may be the reason. We have had unprecedented celestial events that kicked off in April...
Which Perspective are You Using the Caterpillar’s or the Butterfly’s?
I just happened to see Lee Harris’s Energy Update for the month of May. The first topic is “major energy coming into May.” Doesn’t that make sense as it’s spring time (in the Eastern Hemisphere) and a time for new growth and change. Astrologically we’re in a time of...
Need a Reset for more energy, self confidence or joy Rest to the Rescue
Aren’t there times you wish you could just do something over again, have a reset, a do over? You know, a do over for the times you had something happen and you wish you could change it? Times like, how to start your day differently so you don’t feel as...
Whose Voice aRe You Listening to?
This past week I hosted a live Free Master Class and shared the Stop Your Saboteur Voices & Embrace Your Superpowers: Next Steps for Highly Sensitive Women. Although I originally created the Master Class for highly sensitive women, empaths,...