“Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life…”~ Aristotle The end of the school year, the beginning of summer - time to relax a little, and shift the routine. It might be easy to “shift” into another routine instead of following the natural cycles of nature and...
Can You See What’s on the Other Side?
Where is everyone going? Is there a secret or something that would be good to know? As you watch friends, family, or famous personalities leave the planet, does it make you wonder, probably not for the first time, “Why are we here?”. Several times I have had glimpses...
Take a Leap! It’s Safe to Be You.
This is a powerful and significant time to come out of your “cocoon”, letting your “butterfly wings” dry. You may not have felt safe to be authentic or comfortable in one or more areas of your life. However, allowing the new energy that is available now to move...
Where are You Hiding?
“You came into the world to shine not to hide.” ~Emmanual Dagher February, the month of Love, reminds us to love ourselves and others. It's often easy to love others but how are you stacking up loving yourself? · Do you have the courage to let go of a job or...
Step Boldly into 2016: Find New Perspectives and Possibilities
2016 is the end of a long cycle of change. In astrology 2016 is a 9 the ending of cycles. Whew! Others on the evolutionary journey, Matt Kahn, Lee Harris and Laruen Gorgo suggest that this is the year of new possibilities. During the last...
This Holiday Season Keep Your LIGHT Shining
Keep Your Light Shining this Season - Don’t burn out. We know what burn out looks like. Tired, sick, no joy, and wishing the season was over already! Don't panic! It's not too late to make sure your LIGHT stays on and your cup is full. “Fill Your Cup. The premise is...
Stop I Want to Get Off …Do You? Part 1
The thought that crossed my mind as I was putting out my Thanksgiving decorations was, “In a month, I’ll be putting up my Christmas decorations. Oh my!” The joy in what I was doing dissipated. However, just as quickly, my wiser-self slipped in and said, “Enjoy the...
What Are You Harvesting This Fall?
The leaves have started to turn, the weather is cooler, Halloween goodies are everywhere and even in warmer climates, there is a hint of cool in the air. Colors are bold and vibrant in gardens where pumpkins and fall crops are being harvested. What are you...