Engaging Your Inner Child in Joyful Exploration Let’s play! Stay with me for a minute here – this will make sense! What do you think about when you think about bubbles? Do you think of a glass of champagne, fizzy soda, or the bubbles that children blow with a bubble...
A Birthay Gift of Joy
As my birthday approaches, I think about the things that give me joy … Looking at the blue sky outlined with green tress Looking at my blooming orchids Getting together with my husband, family and friends Doing intuitive cards...
Can You Tune in and “Stream” the Solstice Energy?
When I invited a friend of mine, Susie, to my monthly Sparkle Your Light Group, she excitedly said yes. Susie mentioned that she was really craving “women” time. As she held this intention, she found herself in several new groups of women with similar...
Intuition, a Psychic & Amazon
Have you ever followed an intuition and wished you hadn’t? Of course not. You only have regrets when don't Trust your intuition. I have been following Claire Zammit of Feminine Power, EvolvingWisdom.com, online for a few...
Is the Universe Telling Us to Grow Up?
There was a new moon a few days ago. It was an epic one. You may have felt the shifting before. You may still feel the energy moving. We are being given the opportunity to move to higher levels within ourselves. Especially in the realm of our own divine feminine...
6 Ways to Claim Your True Feminine Power
You may be questioning and feeling deeply the challenges in your life. And the current challenges in the world. Challenges in relationships, shifting circumstances, and challenges within yourself. You may feel old limiting stories rising like dust and resurfacing from...
Are You Making Space…For the New?
As you let go of limitations (and a very up and down February) are you finding glimmers of new opportunities? Things seem to be opening up and yet…there still seems to be a feeling of what next? The New Year is usually a time many have the urge to clean out and...
Is Now the Time (finally!) for You to Shine Your Magic
Is Now the Time (finally!) For You to Shine Your Magic? 2 Questions to Help You Find Out! (*Bring it into Form Card 41-Sacred Rebels Card Deck: Guidance for Living a Unique & Authentic Life & Alchemy- Sparkle Your Light Intuitive Deck) Imagine my surprise when...