Trusting Your Dreams Into Reality Sessions


2014 Trusting Your Dreams into Reality Tele-Gathering Circle

This is the perfect time to create

the space and energy for your heart’s desires. 

We all know that resolutions and goals are quickly abandoned before the month is over. However, there is a different way to create change that doesn’t involve a struggle. The focus is different and requires us to look at our inner desires first. What are you dreaming about? What would you love?

What do you dream about…not worry about? 

  • Having a healthy body
  • Recreating your business in a way that you have always wanted
  • Enjoying a guilt-free relationship between home and work
  • Feeling free to be yourself wherever you are
  • Desiring to be in the present moment
  • To be happy
  • Being filled with energy
  • Doing something that gives you joy each day that’s not related to work
  • Doing “work” that you love so it becomes more like play

Dreaming and desiring to be or do something is vastly different than resolving or feeling you “should do” something. Dreaming comes from the heart and is your Soul’s way of communicating and guiding you.        

Can you feel the shift in the energy?

The energy of this shift has stepped up in progression over the last several years, and as we moved from 2012 to 2013 many people felt a sense of expectancy. However, 2013 may not have been what was expected! Many of us experienced the inner and outer upheavals, but have also felt anew and found new opportunities, inner strength and a deeper connection. Overall, 2013 seemed to be a year of challenges as we started to really acquire inner mastery over our stories and fears in ways we never have before. It was and is a time of self empowerment. And, it was a profound year for shifts in energy starting to live our heart’s desires. 

Acquiring inner mastery and creating our dreams in a very conscious way, continues in 2014. And  there seems to be a sense of freedom and excitement in the air as many surprising, new doors have opened—and continue to open. Yet there is a “mystery” to when, how and what will unfold next. It is all about being in the moment and hearing and trusting the intuitive voice inside guiding us.

“I am going to treat this day as a ‘crack between the worlds’, the place where what is finished is not quite gone & what is beginning has not yet arrived. . . A place for wandering & letting the imagination, the non-rational, non-logical mind be touched by images & stories & mysteries. ~ Oriah

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 To step into “dreaming your dreams and bridging the gap” to live your dreams

by drawing on your heart and Soul’s guidance 

 2014 “Trusting” Your Dreams into Reality 

Now is a powerful time to tap into the energy of change and creating in a new way.  

A few comments from both the group and individual sessions. 

It’s not late to tap into the energy of change and creating in a new way.  

A few comments and we have only just begun!

Amazing…Powerful…Enlightening …Blown away 

I would love to have you post your dreams and intentions on the the Diamond Pathways Facebook page and the group energy of Trusting Your Dreams in Reality will be support you. As each of us dreams we support others on the same journey.


If are desiring a deeper connection and awareness to more gracefully and easily live your dreams this year, I’d love to support you in an individual session and  you may want to do a:

 Trusting Your Dreams into Reality $111 individual session may be what you are looking for


In your session we will connect to the powerful energy of:

  • The Sacred Portal created for this call, with your personal angels and guides, and with the new Angelic assistance available to us for creation (and all those asking to live their dreams)
  • Connect to the energy of the Number 5 which is the energy of adventure, freedom and discovery.
  • Tap into the energy of The Number 7, asking questions and seeking answers about “how much joy, how richly can I bless, how intimately can I connect?” ~ Julie Umpleby
  • Utilize the power of your personal Diamond Light and energy as you connect to the Diamond Grid
  • Expand the energy of your Dream Theme for 2014 
  • Identify, transmute and release old energy and move into Trust and Adventure
  • Deeply connect to the being-states to gracefully embody your dreams
  •  Open new channels of  the energy for your personal self mastery and empowerment 
  • “Ground” the energy of your dreams, desires and intentions for continued energy and transformation on a specially created energetic Diamond Mandala
  • Enjoy a special gift and bonus~ I will be pulling a card from a very powerful, transformational card deck for each person registered to support you on your dream journey this year
  • If this is calling to you and you feel the excitement in the air read more below. 

What people are saying about the Trusting Your Dreams into Reality Process:

“Thank you! This process has  given me a new beginning.” ~AS

“I can’t believe how fast things are showing up for me now.”~BT

“When I toss the octahedron and read the words, it helps me shift inside. I tap into the energy of the words and feel instantly better. What is even more amazing is the situations that I have dreaded or not looked forward to were easy.  Amazing!!!” ~JM

“I never knew that that something I dreaded could be so much fun.”~KR

“This process has shifted the ways I think about things. It has given me a  new place to focus. That’s so freeing . Thank you!” ~SM

“I loved Trusting Your Dreams Into Reality. It validated my intuition about what I wanted. It brought out what I know would have made me less successful in the past. I feel I have something that will carry me forward into creating my dreams.” ~KP

Trusting Your Dreams into Reality Session $111


(If you have a group or three or more, let me know for a special group price).