I love the song Dance Like One’s Watching which is what we did when we were kids. It was natural to just be who we were without worries about what others were thinking. Kids are supposed to play, their dancing is never questioned. So, what makes it wrong to play or dance like no one is watching as an adult?

Time, responsibilities, and to do lists. And maybe even the thought “We are adults now, we have more important things to do, play is frivolous.” But as my kids say “adulting” sometimes just isn’t fun. True! That’s why play and finding joy is so important. Play and finding joy is about taking care of yourself. 

Is it good to play and find joy? Yes, and here are some reasons to play.  


  • Relieves stress. Play is fun and can trigger the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. 
  • Improves brain function. Playing chess, completing puzzles, or pursuing other fun activities challenge the brain.
  • Stimulates the mind and boosts creativity. Young children often learn best when they are playing—this is true for adults also. You’ll learn a new task better when it’s fun and you’re in a relaxed and playful mood.
  • Also stimulates your imagination, helping you adapt and solve problems. This has been documented in corporations.
  • Improves relationships and your connection to others. Sharing laughter and fun can foster empathy, compassion, trust, and intimacy with others.


Play gives you a sense of joy and freedom to be the unique spark of light you are. 

For me, being creative can be setting the table for guests, creating a gift package for friends or family or putting together a Spa Pochette. I create each individually when the order is placed – keeping the purchaser in mind. This gives me tremendous joy! 

In Atlas of the Heart Brene Brown describes joy as the “good mood of the soul”. Based on Brown’s research she defines joy as “an intense feeling of deep spiritual connection, pleasure end appreciation.”

Researcher Matthew Kuan Johnson suggests, “While experiencing joy we don’t lose our self, we come more truly ourselves.” It is in those moments of joy that we expand our the spark of light. When we are experiencing joy, are truly ourselves, our energy radiates to others and helps them see and experience joy too.

Willow MacIntosh, a high sensory expert, (https://inluminance.com) says “Play is important for our success and wellbeing. If you are in a constant state of anxiety, worry or stress, we are actually limiting access to a very powerful resource within us”. He continues writing about play that he is “more effective in my business, my wellbeing is that much better, and I know in my heart I am making more of a difference.” Play is vitally important if you are a highly sensitive soul.

Find ways to “play” and find joy, especially if you find yourself feeling heavy with what is going on in your life or what is going on in the world. Know the power of play and finding joy. Discover small ways to play on a regular basis to support your health and wellbeing.

Play it forward as your joy filled energy touches others,



Summer is a great time to dream. The DragonFly-Moonstone Dreaming Pochette Bag creates a powerful energy of creation. The specially chosen items in the DragonFly*-Moonstone Pochette work together to support your connection to Source, reminding you of the spark of light that is you.  As you align within through dreaming, you’ll find a deep sense of nourishment, clarity, and openness to new possibilities. Who knows new creative and playful ideas may show up.

If you are stuck being playful or creative PlanetSark is a great website. I have her cards and include one at times with a purchase from DiamondPathways.com.
