Pinange Diamond Group

Bonnie Snyder's Women's Tele Gathering

* Pinange Diamond is the Pink Ray of the Feminine and the Orange Ray of  personal power. 

Unveil the Divine Power of the Solar Feminine Within!


  “The Solar Feminine is about a woman standing in her own power, connected to the awareness of Self. She radiates the energy of her power, with her feet planted firmly on Mother Earth and her arms raised to Father Sky. She is the healthy natural balance of feminine and masculine energies. She has power in the world, and she experiences herself in communion with the Divine as the source of her power.” Patricia Fero

Unveiling the Divine Feminine is:

  • Finding your own unique diamond Solar Feminine within
  • Understanding how the role of women has been limited over thousands of years
  • Finding the overt and subtle patterns of how this is affecting your health, happiness, and life now
  • Releasing what isn’t serving you any longer
  • Finding your personal balance of the sacred feminine and masculine
  • Discovering and expanding into your unique Solar Feminine diamond signature
  • Using this new energy to create differently in areas you want life to change
  • Connecting more deeply to your heart’s desires
  • Gaining clarity on how to make choices to have your life proceed with ease

The Solar Feminine is the marriage of the sacred feminine and masculine within us as women. It is about the feminine characteristics that are familiar to us as being soft, compassionate, deep, creative, nurturing, and supportive. When these are blended or married to passion, action, being energetic and inspired, setting boundaries, being powerful, and having compassion for ourselves and others, we stand in our true authentic divine power.


The energy of the Solar Feminine is powerful, magical, and graceful.

It is fully alive within you and only needs to be discovered.

The Divine Solar Feminine energy has been invisible, and not supported, modeled or accessible (for the most part) for over 5000 years. In this time of supreme change, removing the “veil” blocking the Solar Feminine is an opportunity to step into the new power of the feminine and enhance the radiance of who you are. The patterns of dysfunction and destruction that have repeated in our lives as women, generation after generation (life after life), will start to dissolve.

  • Find the freedom and power in your most personal and important relationship… the one with yourself.
  • Restructure the relationship with yourself and you’ll find more ease in your world.
  • Let go of the patterns that have been a disservice to you.
  • Experience more rewarding interactions with your loved ones.

Yes, there is a good chance you’ll take on a different perspective of life. Yes, you may find it a bit uncomfortable at first… or maybe not. But as you unveil the Power of the Solar Feminine within you, you will experience the ease of being you at most diamond radiant self. In the  Pinange Diamond Women’s Tele Gathering Circle, together we will support and nurture each other in a transformative and sacred space. 

 The Pinange Diamond Women’s Tele Gathering Circle


 You will receive: 

  • A recording of each tele-gathering to re-listen at your convenience
  • A summary of the information and suggestions for follow up after the tele-gathering
  • A shift in understanding and owning the value of who you truly are while navigating life with less reaction and more choice. That’s where magic and grace of “synchronicities”, new possibilities flow to you in a way you never could never plan or even imagine)
  • *You don’t have to be present for the tele-gathering you will be sent a recording to listen to at your connivence.

I am deeply passionate about as many of us  moving into the energy of the Solar Feminine. As we do that we offer the energy of our shift to all women who are asking. And, I would love to have you journey with us as you…. Claim more of your personal power!  Find that deep knowing and inner trust in your life that emerges as beautifully as the bud of an exquisite flower that opens naturally to embrace the light.

This event is over, but you can still purchase the recordings.

$111 $88
