femininepowerdiverseEvolving Feminine Power

 Our feminine power is always evolving. And, I believe feminine power is the key to living our hearts’ desires and dreams as well as creating  positive change for our world. What “Feminine Power” is and how it influences us has drastically transformed as the more traditional societal roles that women have been expected to fit into — and have embodied for centuries — have changed in recent years.

We don’t have many models of  “true feminine power” the beautiful dance of feminine and masculine energy within us. We can see and feel how feminine power is evolving.  It doesn’t matter if you are a young women or a woman with wisdom from living more than a few decades on the planet. What is important is recognizing  that now, is a crucial time to light your way even more resolutely with your own unique embodiment of  “Feminine Power”.

 In my opinion, Feminine Power is about our own personal empowerment; our ability to fully remember and be our unique, divine self.  It is about being who we are without apology.  It’s about sharing our gifts, making choices and living in a way that supports us as well as those we are closely connected to and care about.  

I believe Feminine Power is about holding ourselves in high regard and knowing ourselves without shame in every area of our  life. It’s  about trusting our inner strength, our own creativity, and our ability to see the bigger picture. It’s about truly trusting our intuition, our wiser self, our hunches and listening to those subtle whispers. It’s living with integrity while making decisions for our self, our family and our life. It’s our ability to be collaborative without comparing ourselves to others or losing ourselves in the collaborative process. It’s opening our hearts to ourselves and letting go of the past — whatever that is or was. It’s about honoring our physical body, despite our weight, energy level, abilities, shape, the color of our hair or our skin tones.femininepower divisity

Feminine Power is the harmony of tapping into the feminine inner world, of looking inside, asking questions, opening to all possibilities, and listening to our hearts and dreams. And from that place tapping seamlessly into the masculine energy of fearlessly taking inspired action steps.  It’s standing up for ourselves, easily moving forward from the guidance within, and taking initiative even when we’re afraid.  It’s about holding our boundaries while respecting others’ boundaries… yet being open to change.

It is definitely about listening to our bodies and taking the steps to nurture ourselves first and then taking care of our families. It’s offering a helping hand with deep commitment, yet being detached from the outcome.  It’s about refusing to enable others by taking responsibility that isn’t ours with our children, family, friends or co-workers.

It’s holding ourselves in the highest esteem with love and knowing we are powerful creators. Our Feminine Power is fueled by the essence of who we truly are as women; the harmony of the dance, the inner with the outer, the inspiration and the manifestation, all mingled with the unique grace and beauty of expression by each individual.  I believe it is the essence of each of us, a radiant inner light beaming out into our world. 

Furthermore, I don’t believe Feminine Power is restricted to women alone, as women and men are inherently a blend of both masculine and feminine energies. When we as women step fully into our “Solar” Feminine Power as we trust our selves, feel confident and assertive, men are then able to open their hearts and step into their “Lunar” Masculine selves (in touch with emotions) honoring their softer, introspective side and their ability to see more options.

This year in particular seems to be a time that our Feminine Power is being called forth for us to live in a more empowered way. We are each (both men and women) being summoned by our Souls to be who we truly are at our core. As we live from our core essences so do we create more peace in our lives, in our homes and have happier families. As we confidently respect ourselves and have respect for each other despite our varying opinions and differences, we change our world allowing collaboration in our world making it  a healthier place to live. This true harmony breeds more unconditional love and compassion for ourselves, every one and every thing else.

As we flow between masculine and feminine energies, we bring grace into our own lives and the lives of those on the planet… now and in the future. 

What is Feminine Power to you? How does it fuel your life? What aspects of your life do you want to strengthen? What powers do you want to tap into more? I’d love to read your thoughts so please feel free to post below by clicking the add comment at the top.  

To feminine power, the harmony of masculine and feminine within,


surveygreenPSS What do you think? I value your opinion and would love to know what you think. What ways  can we as women connect, be supported and support others? And, what themes and issues  are important to you? Where would you like to grow and learn? For taking the time to fill out a short survey, there is a small gift of my appreciation at the end.



mommymysticfemimnie power

PPS March 8 is Women’s Day! Lisa, the Mommy Mystic, has created a collaborative post!  Be sure to  bookmark http://mommymystic.wordpress.com read about “feminine power”. You’ll want to go back again and again.  Thank you Lisa!  image by Created by Caroline Manrique at NoWordz Photography