Aren’t there times you wish you could just do something over again, have a reset, a do over? 

You know, a do over for the times you had something happen and you wish you could change it? Times like, how to start your day differently so you don’t feel as overwhelmed and want to feel more peaceful.  

Or maybe you’re running on the treadmill of a busy life and would like to step … off  but afraid of the consequences. Or would love a much a needed break from technology but fear you’ll miss something g important. 

You may have wished for a much needed vacation or felt sleep deprived and just want to sleep for day to catch up on your sleep.. Or maybe it’s a deeper longing you feel like finding your passion and a stronger connection to yourself. 

For me Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith’s book Sacred Rest Recover Your life Renew Your Energy Restore Your Sanity are various ways to come home to yourself…be present in the moment and be able to have those reset moments. 

Dr. Dalton-Smith says rest is not sleep. However, when you rest you have better sleep. She writes about the 7 areas of “sacred rest”, physical rest, mental rest, emotional rest, spiritual rest, social rest, sensory rest, and creative rest. In her book she gives a checklist of symptoms on how to evaluate where you are in each area and take steps for sacred rest in the  areas you identify a need. 

In Owning Our Sensitivity Podcast Rest to the Rescue, I share more about each of the 7 areas and some of Dr. Dalton-Smith’s recommendations and the keys to more ease, better health, and more joy in life. I invite you to listen and find where you can support yourself with more rest for better sleep. 

Wishing you sacred rest and good sleep,


P.S.  Would you like more grace, ease, and more miracles in your life? Remember Women’s Chat with a Purpose is coming up on Thursday, April 18. Find out more and sign up to join a small group of women! Topic:  YOU Can CREATE MAGIC where  the focus will be  focus on effortlessly creating more of what you want in life.