It’s interesting to ponder the idea of new beginnings as we view our personal and the global events of last year. How did you traverse them both physically and emotionally?
Were you able to find peace or calm during a challenge? Or did you find yourself regretting getting anxious or angry more often than you wanted?
We moved into a new, smaller home in mid-December. The previous six months was preparation in getting the old house ready to sell, making sure the house was sparkling for open houses and private showings. All while we were also looking for a new, smaller home.
It was a challenging journey. We were moving from a large home we had lived in for 17 years, while looking for a smaller home, preferably close to nature. We were unsuccessful in the first months of looking and had to move into temporary housing. That home was only available for a limited time. So, the quest for a new home continued with urgency.
The stress and complications of two moves were compounded as we did all this trying to move between two hurricanes. First there was hurricane preparation and then the repairs to be done in the aftermath. We were truly fortunate that we did not lose our home or belongings as some of our friends did. The loss from the hurricanes is still affecting many here in Florida.
This is only one national devastation as we mourn the tragedy of the fires in California and try to maintain balance with the daily dealing with technology, AI, health, and relationships.
How do you live with integrity with the stream of changes both small and large in life?
A good question to ask yourself in this new year, is how can I respond (not react) consciously or unconsciously and create limitations that cut off my connection to Source, my intuition, and the flow of possibilities?
I love the words from Lisa Hromeda’s Bless the “old”. Bless the “new | Divine Reset™ You tube Video. She suggests saying, “I choose more loving thoughts actions and beliefs and perspectives and more loving ways of responding to life’s triggers, challenges, delays and detours.” She continues saying that this is when you begin to “unlock possibilities.”
When choosing more loving thoughts towards yourself – whether it is in a relationship or over a challenging situation – know it’s okay to have the emotions of fear, anxiety, anger, etc. Let those emotions move through you. Don’t stop them, judge them, or shame yourself.
Allow your feelings, both positive and negative to flow through you. (This is especially important if you’re a highly sensitive person and this empowers you in the process.)
As the feelings flow and pause for a moment, you make room for more of yourself into your beingness, your intuition, and your spark of light connected to your source – which allows you to hear, see, or create new possibilities, new ideas, new creations, and the ability to be guided to your next steps.
My focus couldn’t be my business during this last six months. What I had planned had to be rescheduled and then parts of the plan totally fell apart. I have had to let many limiting thoughts and emotions around all of this to be allowed to move through me.
Forgiving myself and not shaming myself about what we couldn’t or didn’t do or how I felt, was vital. It’s important to remember as difficult as it is there’s a reason for the experience. I don’t love that idea but know it to be true. Allow the emotions and tears to move through, cleaning and purifying. Each now moment is creating the next now moment where the openings and pathways to new inspiration, guidance and possibilities become available.
I leave you with this thought from Lisa: “Step into the next highest version of yourself when challenges arise. Choose different ways to peace.”
Remembering his happens right now in the “now moment” knowing that as we continue evolving into our next highest version of ourselves our world changes from the light we shine from the inside out.
Wishing you more ease choosing to do some things differently this year,
P.S. Please continue to focus your love, support and prayers around all who have been affected by the natural disasters to be supported in every way for their loss, grief, and rebuilding of the new.
Beautiful messages for starting the year. I love the concept of stepping into the next highest version of myself when challenges arise. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and insight.