image from Mary Anne Savio blog

In the last blog we talked about how our intuition lights the way step by step. However, the roadmap isn’t totally clear even now as fall and the equimox  is upon us. But some next steps are becoming clearer. The energy has potential for really moving whatever is inspiriting you now.

What have you noticed? Are some opportunities opening up? Is there something you’d like to pursue or have you started something new that is expanding?

2019 was to be a year of change. I remember someone in January asking about 2020 and I thought that was strange I thought this year was the year of change.

How long have we waited for this change? All year right? Outer change is triggered by inner changes. Look back to what has changed? Are you a bit different? What have you let go? What is calling your attention?

With the fall equinox and Saturn, according to astrologists,  is going direct and others saying we have closed the last 10 year chapter of our lives.

“Saturn is the “taskmaster” of the zodiac and represents learning hard lessons–whether we feel like learning them or not. …This is the universe cuing you to use the hard-earned knowledge you’ve gained during all that retrograding for your own good. Translation: Live and learn. And: stop repeating the past.”~ astrologer,  Emmalea Russo

The energy has changed. I know we thought that had happened in January (and it did)  but we still had more to do before this pivotal opening of expansive energy.

“So, focus on what you can do today and don’t become overwhelmed by what is simply playing itself out on the bigger stage. It doesn’t mean ignoring all of that, it mean practicing whatever it takes to trust in the process of unfolding YOU.” ~ Julie Umpleby

Ride into the new energy with confidence and let the new unfold,




P.S. I am excited and invite you to join the Diamond Light Community and align with your most powerful self with Julie of on the Fall Equinox on Sunday, September 22  at 12:00 PM EDT (this will be recorded) click the link here to register for the Equinox  teleclass and energy alignment Your Rising Power.