How are the current energies affecting you? Have you felt the turbulent energies of the past week bring up what has been held inside for many of us for so long?  As a sensitive and intuitive Soul, I suspect you feel and remember the current energy from this lifetime or a memory that has marked your DNA from past generations and lives.

We can’t help but feel the pain of women and men now as they speak out and reclaim their personal power. For me a deep sensation bubbled up in intense emotions and tears from what resides in my DNA, and I feel deep compassion for those standing up now.

When I went to graduate school in counseling, I put together the pieces of a puzzle that had bewildered me. When the puzzle came together, and I spoke to my mother, she acknowledged she had been emotionally and physically abused by her father.  My amazing mother healed the majority of her trauma.  However, there were some subtle nuances that remained living in my DNA.

Because of my knowledge and the current situation, I started to ask myself these questions…how do I resolve this within myself?  How do we keep and own our power?

How do we move from anger, depression, sadness, or fear as we feel, witness, and experience this current energy?

The chaos and anger rocking us to our deepest core right now affect us depending on our life experiences and may affect us on many levels. In places, deep within that we may not even be privy to consciously.  But we have an awareness of what needs to surface and how outside control and manipulation is NOT what serves us, whether from within our own lives or by those in the outside world.

Then I asked myself more questions which you may be asking yourself: “How am I being called to be, or what am I being called at this moment to do?”  “How do I stay in my center and stay home for myself?”  “How do I keep from letting my light be extinguished by the pain of what is occurring in our world right now?”

After having this internal conversation and discussing these questions with a friend of mine, I created a short audio for her to assist in finding her light. She felt peace and found answers after listening and suggested I share it with you to support you in being able to stay in your light and in your home.

Remember to trust your intuition and knowingness.

Complete the form below to access the free audio “Stand in Your Light.”

Let’s stand together in our light,


P.S. If you have trauma/abuse and  haven’t gotten support,  please get support from a therapist with experience in trauma-based modalities such as BrainSpotting- or Havening

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