Gratitude and Blessings are one of the most powerful things you can do to move through life with more joy and less stress. Gratitude can also increase your ability to move through challenges more quickly and easily and feel peace and calm within again.

After doing a podcast interview this week with Lauren McLaughlin on the topic of gratitude, I realized it was at the perfect time with Thanksgiving around the corner. 

Thanksgiving gives us the time to pause… to stop and take a moment to be grateful. I remember one Thanksgiving as we went around the table our friend’s teenage son shared he was grateful for his family and friends, for the food on the table, and that his favorite team had won! His face lit up and we could feel his joy!

You can be grateful for anything!!! 

During my interview with Lauren, who for many of us is the Queen of gratitude, talked about deepening gratitude and one way was doing a blessing, which is gratitude. We may think of blessings are related to religion, but a blessing can be a simple acknowledgment of gratitude, anyone can do at any time. 

Another wonderful synchronicity happened as i was getting ready to write this blog, I found from The Gentle and Forgotten Art of Blessings Om Times TV  on You Tube.

Here are a few points from the Video

  • Every day is a blessing and in each moment, there are many things that you can be grateful for 
  • The world opens up when we are in a space of gratitude 
  • When we constantly choose to be grateful we understand that difficulties are also invaluable lessons and there is a gift.
  • The sun is always shining for us when we are grateful even if it is hidden behind the clouds on a rainy day
  • The world reflects to us what we embody and additional blessing that inevitably flow our way
  • The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness 
  • To offer a blessing is not difficult
  • There are endless ways in our days to offer a blessing a gratitude
  • Blessings are the bridge between the heaven and earth

Remembering to be grateful and bless the small things in life,


P.S. If you are curious about different ways to include gratitude into your life or want to up level your gratitude rituals and incorporate blessings into your life, I invite you to listen to Owning Our Sensitivities: Podcast 18 Experiencing Life Through the Lens of Gratitude. Lauren McLaughlin shares stories and a multitude of simple, practical, and powerful ways to incorporate gratitude into your life.