Can you Bump into Grace?
Trust the Wisdom of Your High Heart and Bump into “Grace”
2019. A year to stay open to unexpected new possibilities. We had a whiff of this new energy last year but were still in the throes of shifting our inner selves-cells.
As always, in January, there seem to be a few remnants of old patterns surfacing from the previous year (or lifetime). Have you had a situation where self-compassion was what was needed? Or your sensitive-self went into overdrive? Maybe you turned against yourself, feeling less than worthy, forgetting to be home yourself? You probably realize the situation that triggers you is set up for you to find your way home to yourself.
As sensitive soul’s, we’re still on the journey to honor our personal gifts. To not give into to the challenges. To find our center, and our strength, as we navigate the uncomfortable inner and outer changes that we have been walking through for the past 7 years.
2018 was the end of a seven-year cycle. As a “2 year” it was unsettling, uncomfortable, and an unstable time of change, both in our inner selves-cells and on the global stage. Relationships ended, there were moves, endings, personal crisis, and the list goes on.
Whew Happy 2019
This year is a time of “rebirth”. You probably feel the difference within yourself. You’re not the person you used to be. You’ve shed some of the outer layers to step up more confidently in the world and shine your true diamond radiance. The good news is the energy, now, is here to support you as 2019 is “3 year” – of creation, manifestation, and self-expression.
In the past, you may have brought things into the world before the world was ready. You may not have felt heard or felt as nourished or successful as you would have liked. Now is a time that world is ready and needs the gifts you share in only the way you can share them.
Whether you’re intuitively feeling called to something totally new or feeling a sense of culmination for a new project or venture, it is a time to open to the power of grace. To be open to the spirals of new possibilities as you bring your unique ways of being or creative endeavors into the world.
I thought it was interesting the card I pulled this year from the Sparkle Your Light Intuitive Deck was Hight Heart Wisdom.
High Heart Wisdom – “Create from your innocent child’s sense of sensitivity, curiosity and wonder for heart aligned and joyful grounded manifestations”
“High Heart Wisdom is the deep and clear wisdom of your highest self-communicating through your heart. What is the easiest way to open and expand your high heart? Find inspiration that comes from curiosity and joy. Be still, open, and curious. With that focus follow your inner passions. Trust the small niggles in your body or one that flits across your mind. You have the subtle gift of sensing and feeling into the unknown.”
Grace definition: unmerited divine assistance
If you trust the wisdom of your high heart (heart-mind) can you bump into grace?
Yes, without a doubt. As you surrender, open, and trust your intuition, grace steps in. We see and feel the miracle of people and places opening for us to join or step into with the ease we hadn’t imagined possible.
I love these words an excerpt is from Sanaya Roman’s Let us hold positive hope a positive vision for humanity. I believe this about you if you’re reading this post.
“…Become a radiating point of light, hope, inspiration, and courage.
“People’s personalities become vehicles to carry out their soul’s love, light, and will.”
And from Julie Umpleby
“It is a time of creative magic, elevated by your divine uniqueness and emanated through an expanded heart.” An exquisite quote by Julie Umpleby for the energetic opportunity and webinar Thursday, January 10th (or catch the replay later)
Let the energy of this year fuel new possibilities as you trust the wisdom of your heart,
PS. Remember to sign up to receive Three Steps to Living Intuitively ebook and to get Diamond Pathways Ezine and other offers and events.
Product highlight – Sparkle Your Light Intuitive Deck with a FREE Card Session.
Purchase a Sparkle Your Light Intuitive Card Deck this month and get a free 20-30-minute card session with Bonnie. (Value $38)
Unlike most card decks, the Sparkle Your Light Intuitive Card Deck has eight cards. The deck was intentionally designed this way to go with the simple elegance of the eight facets of the diamond and 8 gemstone energies.
On each card, there are 12 words, two images, an affirmation, and an energy symbol. A total of 80+possible energies are in this deck. The cards are designed to be used a “facet” or a few “facets” at a time. The deck is not predictive because life can’t be predicted.
When purchase this month, you’ll also get a free card session with Bonnie. Together you will use the energy of the cards to find that divine spark within you and the energy to support you in opening to new possibilities and to start or propel you forward to create what you have been wanting to do.
Gain insight feel that deep inner knowing you are on the right track for you and be guided to the energy that will support you on your next step. This is the perfect time to tap into your intuitive knowing in a card session with Bonnie. Or if you feel stuck in the moment… let your intuition bloom during your 20-30-minute Sparkle Your Light Intuitive Card Session.
Offer is for a limited only, so purchase your Card Deck today to get the FREE Card Session with Bonnie!
Email after you purchase your deck and schedule your intuitive card session.
with Bonnie! Email after you purchase your deck and schedule your intuitive card session.
Let the energy of this year fuel new possibilities as you trust the wisdom of your heart,