![]() Your Inner Family Diamond 1 Carat: The Inner Family Reunion Energy Shifter Meet your “Inner Family” Your inner warrior (north) masculine Your inner child (west) feminine Your inner nurturer (south) feminine Your inner Sage (east) masculine “When these sub personalities (i.e. inner family members) are connected and allowed expression, we have a happy, stable, inner family.” ~Almine |
Who or Which family member…
- Talks the loudest?
- Is busy minding other people’s business?
- Overrides your self-nurturer or wise one?
- Is hiding?
- Doesn’t have boundaries?
- Is bossy?
- Is causing the breakdown in communication?
- Is too busy to have fun?
- Is too scared to try something new?
As fall and the new school year have begun, time seems to have flown by. You know the holidays are just around the corner… and with it sometimes the dread of the family gatherings. How many times have you felt uncomfortable at a holiday meal, knowing that sooner or later someone is going to act up? Wouldn’t you like to feel calm, unruffled and confident no matter what is said at a family get-together, and allow your joy and appreciation for the season to remain unscathed?
Although you may understand on an intellectual level that your reactions stem from your thoughts and beliefs, you still find yourself reacting in ways you don’t like. Of course, these uncomfortable circumstances are not just with your family; they happen at work, while volunteering, and sometimes inside your head. These are the times you may feel less than empowered and not comfortable to be your true self or make a decision others don’t think is right for you.
And then, of course, there are times when you do feel really comfortable in your own skin, embracing your uniqueness, free from judgments or concerns from others. Naturally, you want more of that in your life!
Would you be surprised to know that you could have more of that confidence, less reactivity and control over your responses if you learn to make peace with your family? Your inner family, that is.
I want to share with you how my clients (and, yes, me too) have initiated some startling and amazing changes in how we resolve situations. We found some real magic happening after being reminded about the existence of our entire inner family (spiritualjourneys.com) and consequently getting to know more than just the inner child.
They are many modalities of therapy that focus on the inner child, the inner family and whose voice is being spoken through you. Knowing whose “voices” you are hearing — identifying where they originate — is important. Many times it is not your inner family, but instead it’s the voices of others that have influenced your inner family. Uncovering and getting reacquainted with the role of each of your inner family members creates more harmony inside and is then reflected to the outside world.
As you become acquainted with your inner family, you remember the power of being a more expansive presence and who you truly are. Building more harmonious and healthy communication with the “inner family” is the key to your ability to be self-empowered, unrestricted and to feel safe and trusting as you live each day being confronted with real-world issues.
“When the inner family is connected, we are never alone so we are secure within ourselves. This means we are no longer emotionally dependent on others, so we stop reacting and start responding to people and circumstances.” Almine spiritualjourneys.com
This fall I invite you to get to know your inner family better:
- Pinpoint which inner family members are supporting you and which ones need
- Find healthy ways to support the inner family member that throws you off balance.
- Create harmony among your inner family members so you feel safe to make a change or pursue something new.
- Find more peace and calm during real-life family get-togethers — especially during the holidays!

Family Diamond
The 1 Carat: The Family Reunion Energy Shifter
Expanding the energies of our inner family for new energy of the time now!
If you have an inner family member who would like some special attention, I will also be doing some on-the-spot coaching and energy-shifting to support and realign your inner family member.
I want the audio: Family Reunion $18*
The 1 Carat Inner Family Reunion Energy Shifter is just the beginning, a place where you can reacquaint yourself with your inner family. (If you miss the live group you will receive the recording). If you decide you want to continue to The 2 Carat Family Diamond 4-Week Exploration below you will be refunded the $18 after the course starts. Or If you enroll in the 2 Carat Family Diamond Course you will be automatically signed up for The Family Reunion Energy Shifter as it is the foundation of Family Diamond course.* |
You’ll find it easier to create with more heart-cetnered clarity and confidence as you connect in the diamond frequency to explore and journey with your inner family.
The 2 Carat: The Family Diamond 4-Week Exploration
Restore, realign and reunite Your “Inner Family” to
be more conscious and connected to:
- Your sense of being centered, grounded and empowered to make new choices
- The knowing inside that you are safe to step outside your comfort zone
- Deeply trusting your heart, your inner guidance, and your intuition
- Checking inside yourself for the answers before you go outside
- Freely make choices easily and joyfully (without as much fear and anxiety or outside opinions and judgments)
- Quickly and easily repair your inner peace and balance
- Playing lightly in the journey of life
- Relax fully into the wholeness of who you truly are
- Feeling confident to expand your gifts in whatever area you choose
The internal voices of your inner family come through you, making a difference in how you feel and experience the world. When you have inner family members feeling unhappy, bossy or hidden, your inner family is dysfunctional or out of harmony. When that happens, you are not operating at the highest level of consciousness or success in your outer world.
Consequently you don’t take time to nurture yourself, which isn’t always as obvious as lack of physical self-care. Maybe you have little time for fun. Quite possibly you feel really stuck on how something is showing up in your life or how you believe it should be. You may resist the promptings of the deep connection you have to Spirit or ignore your wise-self on which you rely in other areas of your life.
If you would like to go deeper into being able to:
- Self-soothe more easily
- Self-nurture more often
- Listen inwardly more closely
- Support yourself quickly
- And go after what you desire more confidently…
Then I invite you to join the 2 Carat: Family Diamond 4-Week Audio Exploration:
- Receive 4 Audios with powerful Energy Shifters for the “off-weeks” along with a few questions to ponder
- Anytime interaction on a private Facebook Group to share and ask questions
- Email support for questions
“The Diamond Light is received by your through the Higher Chakras and is then the transmitted into the Crown Chakra. From there it is radiated into the Light Body and into the Pineal Gland. It has an intense effect on the Pineal Gland, and this stimulates the nervous system and the cellular system right down to the DNA. It is then transmitted to the Heart Chakra, and then you are able to transmit this Light to others via the High Heart. ~Celia Fenn
Description of the Journey:
2 Carat: The Family Diamond 4-Week Exploration by audio
I will be raffling three Family Diamond Exploration audios and The Family Reunion Energy Shifter. If you register before November 4th. You must register to be entered in the raffle. If your name is chosen you will get a refund for the $66 the week of November 4th. Anyone who registers by November 3rd will also receive one of two bonus gifts (your choice) bonus gifts (value $100).
Week 1: week of October 28th Energy Shifter Audio
Parenting a Healthy Inner Child
- Finding where your inner child is stuck.
- What does your inner child want most to explore, be curious about, find more playful?
- Remembering the magic of joy, curiosity, innocence and wonder of the child.
- Expand feelings of confidence, less concerned about being wrong.
- Cultivating the masculine energy of adventure, safety and trust
Week 2: week of November 4th Energy Shifter Audio
Paying attention to the Voice of the Inner Nurturer
- How do you abandon yourself?
- Where does the self-nurturer spin out of control?
- Letting go of guilt as a motivator.
- Energy Shifter to connect to your self-nurturer in new ways.
- Strengthening the feminine, nurturing energy.
Week 3: Week of November 11th,
Turn up the Volume on the Wise Sage insights from previous three weeks (including inner child and inner nurturer audios)
- Uncovering the places where you don’t trust yourself and your inner wisdom.
- Finding who else in the Inner Family is out of balance when you aren’t paying attention to your inner Wise Sage.
- Expanding and trusting your knowing.
- Connecting more deeply to the Divine (God, Source, Spirit) and cultivating the feminine energy of the divine connection.
Week 4: Week of November 18th Energy Shifter Audio
Balancing the Inner Warrior with Inner Peace
- Allowing the inner Warrior to protect you.
- Letting the inner Warrior have a voice.
- Giving the inner Warrior new guidelines, if out of control.
- Exploring adventure, the unknown and feeling safe.
- Stepping more fully into the masculine energy of protection, adventure and the unknown.
The 2 Carat: The Family Diamond
Week Exploration + A Choice of a Special Bonus
I would like to register for the: Family Diamond
“I am so grateful for the organizational piece that Bonnie brings to my life during our sessions. It’s always amazing how I always get the “tools” I need to get back in the game. After a session with Bonnie there’s a magical quality of cohesiveness and new possibilities to whatever I bring to the session whether it’s to achieve an intention or a physical goal. When I get stuck in a rabbit hole (big or little), nobody can shift the energy to get of the hole like Bonnie can.” ~Kim
“I have been part of Bonnie’s Men’s Triad Group. Bonnie is both motivating and encouraging. Her intuition is remarkable. The tools she brings and offers represent both cognitive and energy based practices, which have both indirect and direct effects not only on our goals and intentions but on our life. Since being in the triad, my goals seem to come to life in the most surprising ways.” ~Frank
“I have found three major benefits of working with Bonnie. She is of invaluable assistance in identifying the limiting beliefs. She encourages me to take the practical steps to shift my reality. And she is able to do amazing energy work, which is allowing me to remember my magical self.” ~Lauren
The Bonuses! When you sign up, you will be given a choice of: The Pinange Diamond: Unveiling the Divine Feminine Within audio series (regular price $111). More details are here: http://diamondpathways.com/pinangediamondgroup/ or A Half-Hour Individual Session with Bonnie Snyder as a gift via telephone (regular price $100) |