Inner Family Challenge: Inner Child 


The inner child challenge-Choose one or more below. 

inner nurturer, self healing, inner child, self empowerment,Then post a comment, share and inspire another woman to share her inner child story on the blog.

  • Find something outside your comfort zone and do it in the next 7 days. Post and tell us your experience.
  • Do something completely unplanned and fun, even if it’s something small, every day for the next week. How did it feel? What did you notice?
  • Where can you step out of your comfort zone and think of it as an adventure instead of something scary? How did that change your experience?
  • Just ask questions in the places where you’re blocked and see what answers show up.
  • Reassure your inner child it is safe to venture out, she won’t get in trouble. How does that shift you now?[Tweet “Do something completely unplanned and fun every day for the next week. #innerchild”]

I can’t wait to see where these “children” are adventuring,
