The season of summer is a time of relaxation, fun and playfulness.
Or is it? Have you ever been totally worn out by the preparations for your vacation?
Or have you taken a vacation and then needed a vacation from your vacation?
If you said yes to the questions above you aren’t alone. The season takes us out of routine. There is usually a lot going on – kids out of school, longer days, family vacations, and keeping up with daily commitments at home and at work. However, I suspect you have already had moments where you have probably felt that “isn’t it great to be summer feeling”.
And the good news summer isn’t over yet!!!
As we move into August can you continue to tap into the summer energy of relaxation and fun?
Where have you already experienced some down time, fun and relaxation? Was it wonderful moments on vacation, time with family or seeing new sights, those moments in the mountains, the lake or at the beach, or was it the quiet space reading a good book that gave you that down-more relaxed time this summer? Take a moment and remember savor those moments. You may have more moments to look forward to this month.
Now go back even farther and remember that relaxed feeling from childhood…Just tap into that for a moment…..anchor that feeling. (Remember it’s a feeling, an energy that doesn’t know time or space so it can be anchored by just remembering.) These last few weeks of summer allow yourself to continue to find ways to relax your mind and body so you will have a rich harvest in the fall of what was planted. “Harvest” may be the fresh start of a new school year-doing things a different way, a new job, a new idea, a new venture or a new relationship.
In my last blog I wrote about the new energy that has entered our planet, connecting us to the energy of love and grace, and anchoring this energy more deeply within our own hearts. We are literally shifting from the inside out; to be and to live differently as we trust and relax into ourselves creating a deeper sense of peace. The message continues to be the importance of relaxing and going inward supporting a change to your alignment to live in a new way.
Use your Relaxation Reflex-it creates peace within and in your outside world as we move closer to fall!
Relax into wherever you are. Relax into your life, your work and your day-to-day tasks.
Relax the mind and the mental chatter – that can be even busier than our outer lives.
The relaxation reflex is engaged when you move into the day with joy and a sense of relaxation instead of dread or worry about something you have to do.
Find a few minutes for some “quiet” time to connect to your heart.
Relax into what you are doing.
Set the relaxation reflex in motion.
Keep a mindset of relaxation.
Write an affirmation and keep it in a place where you will see it each day.
Affirmations you may want to try:
I AM relaxed when I …..
Today, I relax into my day.
I AM supported as I relax in every area of my life.
Then find what comes up for you? Notice the old stories.
“If I relax I won’t …”
“I can’t relax because …”
“Relax and work is that possible?”
“I try to relax but it doesn’t work.”
“Relax and work … impossible to do.”
What tools do you have to let go of those stories? Observe what happens when you relax into your life.
What my clients notice over and over again is how life seems to move more easily when they relax. Many find they have “extra” time. Things seem to work out when there is a challenge. Life becomes easier.
As you relax, the universe conspires to support and align with you in a new way. Grace and magic abound.
This month is a perfect time to start to “perfect” your relaxation reflex and shift your alignment so you can carry it into the busier, energetic harvest season that lies ahead.
We’d love to hear from you. Post your affirmations and your ah ha moments or experiences.
Enjoy the relaxing summer energy of August,
PS If you feel challenged in perfecting your relaxation reflex in some area of your life, schedule a free 15 minute Diamond Discovery Session to explore the many options available. There is something to fit every budget. or invest in a short Diamond Laser Session to find how to activate your relaxation reflex.