
Your Secret Super Power

  As Mother’s Day peeks it’s head around the corner, it made me think about how we “mother”, nurture, and take care of ourselves.  Cheryl Richardson was one of the first people who really promoted the importance of “radical or extreme self- love.” As Cheryl has shown,...

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Quiet & Quirks

How are being “quiet” and quirks connected? Good question. Quirk means an idiosyncrasy, an unpredictable or unaccountable act, or a sudden turn or twist. How are being “quiet” and quirks connected? Good question. Quirk means an idiosyncrasy, an unpredictable or...

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Restore, Remember, and Re-empower yourself!

Happy February, the month of the heart. Have you feel the stirring? And I'm sure you have you felt the ups and downs? The joy of new possibilities … then in the next moment you feel the heaviness of everything. Or do you find yourself upset about something in the...

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Simple Ways to Find Your Inner Path of Serenity

Simple Ways to Find Your Inner Path of Serenity

In this season of light, you may find it difficult to “be light”. It’s so important, however, to remember your light is always with You as it is You. It’s You, you shining the light of You. “Your light is your true Essence, the True Aspect of You. The part of you that...

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Lessons from My Duvet Bedcover

                    Lessons from My Duvet Bed Cover Sometimes there are lessons in everyday living that open your eyes to bigger, more important messages. I have found that to be so more times than I might like to...

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The Never Ending Sci-Fi Movie

            What's Next??? As this all began, I told my husband that I felt like we were living in a sci-fi movie.Now I’m sure of it. What’s next? Are you ready to switch to another movie? Do you feel like you’re stuck in your seat,...

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