
Swans & orchids-Dandelions & Ducks

ear What is your choice? Is one pair better than the other?Of course not they are just different.Read more about these pairs and the secret of thriving on Julie Bejelland's empowering site for  Highly Sensitive people where I am delighted to...

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A WARNing and a Blessing 3

white lion video Either before or after reading the blog, take the time to nurture yourself and tap into the powerful energy of the masculine and feminine within in the white lions when you watch the video above (6...

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Embracing the Fullness of Your White Lioness

Recognizing: Part 1 The Upside and Downside of High Sensitivity Your intuition, sensitivity, creativity and empathic gifts are the most beautiful and powerful gifts of the feminine. These gifts are much needed in a world that has been out of balance in favoring the...

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Your Secret Super Power

  As Mother’s Day peeks it’s head around the corner, it made me think about how we “mother”, nurture, and take care of ourselves.  Cheryl Richardson was one of the first people who really promoted the importance of “radical or extreme self- love.” As Cheryl has shown,...

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Quiet & Quirks

How are being “quiet” and quirks connected? Good question. Quirk means an idiosyncrasy, an unpredictable or unaccountable act, or a sudden turn or twist. How are being “quiet” and quirks connected? Good question. Quirk means an idiosyncrasy, an unpredictable or...

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