We’re in a time of monumental change. It’s so easy, isn’t it, to feel we have no control over what is happening. Or to feel anxiety, fear or anger. 

We’re naturally wired for the fight, freeze, or flee, the stress response “protected” by our reptilian, non-thinking brain. The amygdala (AMY we affectionally call this part of our body), whose job it is to keep us safe. Amy’s function is important for our survival when there’s danger. 

But in our world of constant change, fighting, fleeing or freezing is not an optimal response when we aren’t in physical danger. This response keeps us from thinking clearly and lowers our immune system. When we react, we do not respond or make an inner guided choice, causing harm to ourselves emotionally, physically or in our relationships. If we look at history that is indeed what happens. How do we change that? 

There is much research now about the amygdala and the changes to pathways in our brains as a result from stress and small and large traumas. It’s imperative to understand what you are focused on. 

Is it fear, feeling helpless, or another source of angst? Listen to what your inner guidance is telling you. This can change each day as the world changes. We each have to make individual choices on how to move forward or respond to what is going on in our life. Choices to create something new that is better than the old that is falling away.

What else can we do? You can take time during the day, stop for a minute, and scan yourself. Breathe and focus on being present and in your body. Find that place inside of peace and calm. That’s where the inspiration, guidance, and knowing is available to you. It also alerts you to where to zig or to zag, keeping you safe.

There are apps available to support you in finding peace. The Virtual Spa® has many rooms that, in a short time, can calm the body and mind. 

Finding that peace inside is being in community with yourself. As I have written before, I feel that being community with others is important. Community that is supportive and community where everyone works together for a common goal. Paramount for me is a space where you feel safe to be yourself, safe to brainstorm, collaborate, share your gifts, and discover possibilities. 

My passion continues to be to create this space virtually. If you’re  a highly sensitive, empathic, intuitive woman and would like to be in a small virtual group I would love to chat to see if a White Lioness Circle is a fit for you. If this resonates with you please email me or schedule a time on my calendar.

How to navigate change more easily:

  • Pay attention to your triggers and emotions. Reprogram “Amy”. Don’t let her control you.
  • Where is your focus? Is it on fear and worry or on navigating the changes or what is important to you?
  • Stop periodically, scan yourself, breathe, and find that peace and calm inside 
  • Be curious, trust yourself and ask for answers in the quiet
  • Be in community with yourself, in community where you feel called to be, and in community that is supportive.

My latest podcast, HSP’s and Diamonds: Connecting to Your True Essence, (or go to your favorite podcast channel( reveals how your personal “diamond” supports you, as an HSP, in being grounded, how it aligns the physical body, mind, and spirit and amplifies as an HSP your unique gifts. My podcasts can also be found at Apple, Spotify, or wherever you listen to your podcasts. (If you want to follow Owning Our Sensitive podcasts (When on either Apple or Spotify, there is a + sign in the top right corner that they click on to follow.)

Here’s to being a bit more comfortable with change,
