Two Free Gifts to Help You in this Moment

Easier said than done, right? But it’s a good reminder to “come home to yourself” and move into your heart – the space of peace and love.

We’re all being challenged in our orb of life to trust ourselves, as we move about in a world where there is no agreement of what is “truth”. This is true in our circles of family and friends. And in our local, state, and national government and among those that we have trusted in the past, including scientists and doctors.

What to believe or what not to believe? Is another person endangering our life or not? These are tough life questions. How do we let go of judgments of the other when we disagree with their truth?

“The most powerful change is consciousness, presence, and love, not right nor wrong not good nor bad.” ~Sara Landon

For a long time now we have been in a place of releasing old patterns. Letting go of what doesn’t serve us anymore—relationships, jobs, marriages, foods, habits, our ways of familiarity and comfort, the judgement of ourselves or others, and the list goes on.

The energy of change has been amazingly intense. Some situations and relationships are easier to let go of than others and some actually bring a sense of immediate relief.

Piled on to our personal mix of worries and pressure are the feelings and dissent with the issues of rights and the natural disasters in the United States and throughout the world. Many have felt emotions weighing them down. They look inward to allow these feelings to move through and find that place of peace inside.

As I listen to others whom I respect and feel a sense of truth, and my inner guidance leads me to the thought that it is imperative to find peace and love inside. That is the segue to our most needed ability right now – which is to trust ourselves, our decisions, and choices. We are not to be guided by our fear, the news or what we read, or swayed by those close to us. That can only happen when we disentangle from whatever is going on or however we are feeling and raise our awareness (consciousness) above the energy pulling us down.

“You are becoming a whole, individuated aspect of Source…  This is a new state of BEing that is self-contained and therefore self-reliant, self-reSourcing, self-regenerative, and self-sustaining.”

~Lauren Gorgo

There are times you may just want to pull the covers over your head. I am sure this has occurred to you at some point. Then the moment you feel a bit lighter and peaceful something comes in to take away that sense of peace you just found inside. Of course, we know that only one who can take away our sense of peace is us!

“It is more important than ever that you live the wisdom within you, that youremember that this wisdom is yours, and in the moments when you need a little extra support, come home to the truth within you.”

~Sara Landon

For myself, as now there are more decisions to be made on a daily basis, I notice I am going inside and making choices. I find it fascinating. When I do this, it gives me a visceral sense of peace that I feel in my body and there may be no rational reason for the choice. My body and mind are at peace.  Sometimes the reason for the choice shows up and other times it is just a case of trust in the choice.

“This is truly a point of no return for us personally and as a human race. Things will never return to the way that they were. The ultimate outcomes are up to each and every one of us and our choices on a moment by moment basis.”

~Julie Umpleby

We are not separate from Source (God-Universe). You are a point of light. You are important. You have a purpose here and now in how the world becomes a better place.  Challenge yourself to take that journey inside, into the quiet the still point, and know you have it all within you.

Each day, remember to imagine a different world,


P.S. For young children 4-6+ a picture book to help children with their feelings. read by Sienna read as a free downloadable gift. This picture book helps talk about their feelings. You can download a free version at

Download a Video of Sienna Reading Angel Violet’s Magic Wings.

P.P.S.  We are down the rabbit hole. Like Alice in Wonderland Listen to this short 6-minute audio download  Imagine and believe the what may feel impossible audio