nurturing, stress, self empowerment, stress management, healthy relationship boundaries,

Do You Know Where Your Inner Nurturer Is?

Can you recall a choice you regretted making and found it difficult to stop feeling badly about it?


Have you found yourself over-doing or over-giving while taking care of others… again?


Are you always feeling drained from worrying about your family and friends?


At the end of most of your days, are you completely exhausted?


Have you expended a lot of energy on a project — or had emotional upset — and not given yourself permission to take time to recoup?


Do you find it difficult to take ‘time out’ for yourself on a regular basis?


If you do take time for yourself, do you feel guilty and worry you won’t have time for everything else?

If you answered “Yes” to any of the above questions, your Inner Nurturer may have slipped out and be among the missing. It’s in our nature as women to be nurturers to those around us and therefore it’s extremely easy for our Inner Nurturer to slip out of balance.

The obvious ways to determine when your Inner Nurturer is out of balance is when you’re frequently tired or maybe getting sick more often. You’re aware you don’t stop and take enough time on a regular basis for yourself, yet you continue to not take care of your body, not eat healthy foods and not exercise. Therefore the stress still finds its way into your life more frequently than you would like. These things happen when your Inner Nurturer has slipped out doing something else – like taking care of other things and other people.

It’s natural for women to lose our Inner Nurturer to others. (FYI this can happen to men, also.) As women we have been influenced and told over many centuries that our jobs were to take care of the family and others and to put ourselves last. That isn’t healthy! Turning the feminine aspect of nurturing towards ourselves first is most important. If we don’t do that, we aren’t able to nurture others well… and with good boundaries. For your Inner Family to be happy and in sync, it’s important to call the Inner Nurturer home.

While your Inner Nurturer may usually comfort, love and reassure others, there are times when you need her to soothe, love and comfort you instead. This is a subtle but important role of Inner Nurturer. She understands healthy boundaries. She gently reminds you not to abandon yourself. She supports you in creating time to relax and take care of yourself. She helps you become conscious if you jump to take the blame first or before really thinking and feeling through a challenge. When your Inner Nurturer is balanced, you feel vibrant, rested, confident and empowered.

de stress, relaxation, self empowerment

Taking care of yourself physically, emotionally, mentally & spiritually is no longer a luxury — it’s vitally important for you and your life.

 You can’t change the pace of nor control the outside world. But, you can make a choice to call back your Inner Nurturer. With her, you can do more than survive… and really reap the benefits of feeling good, being yourself, and loving yourself.

Blog challenge Calling your Inner Nurturer home:

  •  Give yourself permission to nurture yourself. Slow down… slow down… slow down… Be in the present moment. Everything will still be there when you return. Right now, stop for a moment. Look outside your window or think back to something you are grateful for in your life. Then take a slow, deep breath in and exhale… then do it again… and then slowly take one more cleansing inhale… and let that breath out, relaxing and revitalizing you. Do this several times a day. This is nourishing and de-stressing, and it doesn’t take a lot of your time. Your body will thank you.
  • Before you go to sleep or when you first wake up, use the aspects of curiosity and wonder from your Inner Child – because she does this so well! (com/) Ask questions like, How can I take more time for myself? How can I nurture myself in better ways? What do I need? Where do I need to set a boundary for myself? Where can I be more conscious of abandoning myself? What works best for me?
  • An easy way to connect to the love and comfort of your Inner Nurturer is to think about someone who loves you unconditionally (or someone like a child or animal companion you love unconditionally). Bring that feeling into your heart. Let that energy really comfort and surround you. Bring that image to mind — or you may prefer to use a color — to remind you of unconditional love.

Nurturing, nurturing, nurturing… be true to yourself,


PS If  you want to go deeper and find out which family member speaks the loudest and overrides your Inner Nurturer  you may want to read more about the: 

The Family Reunion Energy Shifter Tele-gathering  at

inner nurturer, self healing, inner child, self empowerment,PPS Remember to post, share and inspire another woman in  The Inner Family Blog Challenge.  Share an experience you have had calling your Inner Nurturer home or share what happened when you called your Inner Nurturer home using one of the ideas above.