How are being “quiet” and quirks connected? Good question. Quirk means an idiosyncrasy, an unpredictable or unaccountable act, or a sudden turn or twist.

How are being “quiet” and quirks connected? Good question.

Quirk means an idiosyncrasy, an unpredictable or unaccountable act, or a sudden turn or twist.

You might be thinking how does that happen?

Sometimes it just happens! We have all had those synchronies that just lined up people and events without any effort. It is one of those things you couldn’t have planned as well if you had tried and  turns out better than you could have planned it or when grace appears in a challenging situation that was unexpected. Who wouldn’t like that in these times?

And then there are those times the the divine moves thru you and  your heart and the soul seed  something that was planted for you and the universe conspired to make your desire a reality.

How does a few moments of quiet create a quirk, a bit of magic?

Creating the space for your heart and Soul’s unfolding and the synchronicity of new possibilities to become evident happens in the quiet moments.  You might not even be aware of your deepest desires or what to do next with an inspiration you might have had. Or you may be quite aware of your desire but don’t have the guidance or timing of how  to move forward. 

But in the quiet, these thoughts or what is unfolding for you become conscious, and you become aware of something you weren’t cognizant of before. You find that the situation and steps made themselves visible that inner light guiding  you on your personal path.

The astrology for the past several months has been of break down, truth surfacing, death and rebirth both in our inner and outer worlds. This is a time of transition, re-balancing our inner and outer worlds. This energy is challenging! Challenging us to let go of relationships that no longer serve us – to simplify, to let go of “things” and focus on what is important  in life. I suspect you may be experiencing this at a very personal level.

For our world to birth itself anew we must “rebirth” ourselves.  Embracing the feminine, the quiet, intuitive, heart centered aspect of yourself to soothe anxiety worry and to feel into your next steps. At the same time embrace and stand in the warrior pose of the masculine, having the courage to speak your truth respectfully in the perfect moment, take a risk, follow a passion and know when to take inspired action.

As we navigate each day, taking even a few minutes to be still is more important than it’s ever been before. These times are challenging. They are stretching us to let go of feeling separate and move into “unity consciousness” – unity within and  knowing we are all connected and we are connected to all that is.

In those quiet moments, not only is your health and wellbeing boosted, your body and mind relax as you connect to all that is within you and into a greater consciousness. In the stillness you tap into the support you need that you wouldn’t have thought of in the business of the day. Or quiet may give you the space for listening for a new direction or ideas that your heart and Soul are desiring at this time.

This few minutes of quiet gives you the space to connect to infinite possibilities. As we move thru this time of  huge transformation this space you create allows you to let of  the mind’s limiting thoughts or pushing  trying to control the time frame or outcomes. In the quiet you  make room, are open, for  your “higher self”, your inner wisdom,  your inner spark to move creation thru you

Cultivate  Quiet and Powerful quirks.

  • Wake up 15 minutes earlier than usual (and everyone else) sit or lay in the quiet. No worries as the thoughts come in, just let them be and move thru. Many times, inspiration comes in those early moments between sleep and being fully awake.
  • Take a break mid-day or anytime to step outside and breathe in nature and your surroundings. Focus on a tree, flower or plant or an aspect of nature. There is something very calming about nature. Nature grounds us, connects us, and reminds us to tune into  the cycles of life. 
  • Walk without listening to anything but your own breath and nature. Free your mind of the ‘to-do’s’. Let the thoughts come and go without making decisions until later.
  • Step into the Virtual Spa …

The Serenity Pathway’s Virtual Spa®, where you can relax and rejuvenate in less than 10 minutes and find a simple path to peace, is reopened for “visitors”. You can find quiet, soothing moments here.

“I went into the Jacuzzi Room and was hypnotized so deeply that I can really feel the difference in my body. Lovely!!!” ~Jan

 As I took a much needed break one day, i listened listened to the Spa Pause Room in The Virtual Spa and  I was inspired to create these Serenity Pathway’s Spa Pochettes* as a way to remind yourself of your gifts, honor yourself and to feel more confident. 

  •  Enjoy the benefits of  a  Pochette*. A Pochetter is another simple and elegant path for you to use to create a soothing space for yourself. You can find inner peace, feel empowered, find inspiration or support your personal magic.


The Self-Love Pochette was created especially for those who want a meaningful, but not time-consuming, way to take of yourself, to feel a sense of loving calm and find your way “home to yourself” confident in being who you are. Serenity Pathways Self-Love Pochette


“The result is the Self Love Pochette gave me a daily ritual of self-care that has added value to my wellness: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.”~Linda 

Sleep is so important. You can boost your ability to easily relax and sleep just a bit better with The Relax and Sleep Pochette. Who doesn’t want that? As you relax before you go to sleep you create the space for more grace, new ideas, and an ability to tap into your own wisdom even more deeply. And you never know what quirks and unexpected synchronies will show up to easily move you on your path.

You can boost your ability to easily relax and sleep just a bit better. When you’ve had enough rest it’s easier to think, to tap into your intuition and to navigate your day. As you relax before you go to sleep, create an intention or thought for the next day. You create the space for more grace during challenges, new ideas, and an ability to tap into your own wisdom even more deeply.

Allow your unique divine, creative process move through you wherever you are on the journey. You never know what quirks and unexpected synchronies will show up easily to move you on your path as you tap into the quiet. 

Let the quiet spaces allow the divine to move thru you for “quirks”,  unexpected magic, and support.


*POCHETTE is French for “pouch” – meaning small bag or pouch made popular at the moment by Louis Vuitton and Yves Saint Laurent.









*POCHETTE is French for “pouch” – meaning small bag or pouch made popular at the moment by Louis Vuitton and Yves Saint Laurent.