Change, loss, – it’s all around us. Who hasn’t felt the energy of loss from the way we used to do things to the way they are now? If you’re highly sensitive, you may also feel the heaviness of the collective energy of loss. 

Life now isn’t always simple. 

For security reasons, we are now being asked for a 2-step authentication to keep our accounts safe. A good idea, yes, but more steps and not always simple or easy. 

We love the convenience of shopping online and free shipping.

We are getting used to ordering more than one size or one item to see what fits and what we like. Thank goodness returns are easier and, many times, free. But there is still a hunger or loss for many of actually being able to go to the store to try something on, or to touch a fabric, or actually see an item. 

Although there are many benefits to these new ways, at times the complications, and added time and effort may cause moments of sadness. A longing for things to be simpler, easier, or the way they used to be.

Have you had your favorite “something” close? 

We have had 6 of our favorite restaurants in the time we have lived here close. One just a month ago. Or had a special professional or colleague move, retire, or even die? 

It’s a time of letting go and but never the less a loss. How many of us have “lost” a loved one or friend who has left their body? 

This is a really big one for us left here. Although we know we’re still connected, we miss the physical contact, the times together, a hug, or a face-to-face conversation.  There is so much loss right now. From those who are young and not expected to exit the body to the expected time of loss in the older generation. It doesn’t matter the age or the time, the loss and grief is still there and painful to our hearts. 

In this time of change, loss of a relationships and all the above the the question is – how can we be resilient? How can we navigate and move forward? How do we take the time to acknowledge our feelings and connect to what we need to support us?

It isn’t always easy to just “get over it” and move on. How you deal with your grief is personal. When it’s deep, painful heart loss of a loved one or dear friend it’s no different, it’s on your timeframe. 

However, if you don’t move thru the emotions the next time there is a loss it will go deeper and feel more intense as the unprocessed feelings are added to the new loss. And we never know where grief may come from-are we carrying grief from someone else, another timeframe, or something that is in our DNA? 

Is there an answer? There is no one answer. 

Honoring yourself and being conscious of taking care of yourself (self-care) is important. What does self-care look like for you? Remember self-care and how you cope and take care of yourself is not a one size fits all. And it’s not selfish. It’s vital for your health, happiness, and wellbeing. 

  • Acknowledge your feelings. Repressing them only leaves them to be stored and show up in your body or become more intense later.
  • If it is a loved one who has passed, connect to your own Source connection, your spirituality. We are still connected although the body is no longer here. 
  • Allow yourself moments of humor. It’s not disrespectful to those who have passed. Your loved one doesn’t want you to feel sad. Laughter is good for any loss. Even for a short time. It’s good to just to break up the energy of sadness or grief or feeling down.
  • Was there a gift you gained by journeying with a loved one or a friend that passed? As difficult as it was I know I received amazing gifts as my brother made his journey home. Those memories helped me as I moved thru the grieving process.
  • Cry- don’t hold it in. If you can’t cry, watch a sad movie. 
  • Let the frustration, sadness, or anger out of your body. What is a safe way to do that? The bottom line is we have to accept the change. Sit in nature and just allow the earth to support you. Or a more active way to release this energy is what my mom used to do. She would get into the car, drive into the mountains, and yell  
  • Gratitude- what can you focus on that is positive in your life? Or remember the good memories. 
  • Do you need support? That isn’t just for the loss of a human life. Life is not always simple. We have many challenges that support our personal evolution. I don’t believe are we here to do that alone. We are here to support one another and be supported. 

Whether it is the abundance of change creating loss or loss of a human life, remember to move into the heart, knowing and focusing on pure love is the salve that paves the way to inner peace and joy. 


P.S. As I was getting ready to share this post, I read the most beautiful and touching post about the loss of a loved one. I am sharing it as it may help those who are and have been on this journey of deep and painful loss. Thank you. Rosina. You can read it here.