When you're smiling you're actually taking care of yourself. “Actually, smiling or laughing for no reason at all is one of the best reasons to smile or laugh. Because doing either turns wheels in the unseen, rearranges players in your life, and summons reason after...
How to Navigate Change and Stay focused on Possibilities
We’re in a time of monumental change. It’s so easy, isn’t it, to feel we have no control over what is happening. Or to feel anxiety, fear or anger. We’re naturally wired for the fight, freeze, or flee, the stress response “protected” by our reptilian, non-thinking...
HSP Holiday Happiness or Holiday…
8 Tips for the Holidays It’s the holiday season and you may be looking forward to it or dreading it. We all know how easy it is fall into old patterns. With so much changing around us this is a wonderful opportunity this year to create more peace, less stress and more...
Feeling Pressured by the Outside World?
Feel Pressured By the Outside World A ‘check in’ list to help you stay peaceful This is a time where much is being asked of us if we want a different world for ourselves, our children, and grandchildren. WE have to be different. What does that mean? If you are...
Swans & orchids-Dandelions & Ducks
ear What is your choice? Is one pair better than the other?Of course not they are just different.Read more about these pairs and the secret of thriving on Julie Bejelland's empowering site for Highly Sensitive people where I am delighted to...
A WARNing and a Blessing 3
white lion video Either before or after reading the blog, take the time to nurture yourself and tap into the powerful energy of the masculine and feminine within in the white lions when you watch the video above (6...
A warning and a Blessing:white Animals and Sensitivity
image is the white animal video In ancient cultures, the people were very adept at paying attention to natural “signs” such as animals and nature. They used these signs to alert to what was coming and to be productive, safe and healthy. What is the message of...
Embracing the Fullness of Your White Lioness
Recognizing: Part 1 The Upside and Downside of High Sensitivity Your intuition, sensitivity, creativity and empathic gifts are the most beautiful and powerful gifts of the feminine. These gifts are much needed in a world that has been out of balance in favoring the...