This past week I hosted a live Free Master Class and shared the Stop Your Saboteur Voices & Embrace Your Superpowers: Next Steps for Highly Sensitive Women.

Although I originally created the Master Class for highly sensitive women, empaths, intuitive, and creatives, the bottom line is all of us have limiting, saboteur voices that are detrimental to our wellbeing, health, and happiness.  

These personas or limiting beliefs keep us from feeling empowered and being our true self. These voices control us and are not from our inner wisdom and guidance. in times that we need to trust ourselves. If you know. a highly sensitive woman or think you are on yourself, here is the recording from the Free Master Class Stop Saboteur Voices & Embrace Your Super Powers.  

During the class, I shared this link to help to identify your saboteurs PosItive Intelligence PQ® If you to know what saboteurs are controlling your life you can go to PosItive Intelligence PQ® and find out. It doesn’t take long to fill out the inventory. And you may find it intriguingly revealing.

I am curious did anything surprise you?

After you take the inventory and find out more about these sneaky saboteurs, you may be curious to know more. If you would like a 30-minute complimentary coaching session to find out more and go a bit deeper into your me at your Saboteur Inventory and then schedule a time to do so with me here.

Here’s to stopping those saboteur voices,