Two Free Gifts to Help You in this Moment Easier said than done, right? But it’s a good reminder to “come home to yourself” and move into your heart - the space of peace and love. We’re all being challenged in our orb of life to trust ourselves, as we move about in a...
Who has the Power?
What is important for you right now? We’re well aware we’re in the midst of a massive change that has never occurred before. There’s so much to “choose” from right now. The question is what are you choosing? Is it the multitude of statistics on top of statistics...
Don’t Be Afraid to Be YOU
It’s Our Job to Stay True to Ourselves “The energy has been forward moving, barely allowing us to catch up with ourselves enough to sift through the bounty and put it all in order.” ~Mystic Mama I read a newsletter that started with “now we have moved through...
Dance Like No One is Watching in 2020
Own Your Light Happy New Year and welcome to the roaring, magnificent 20s. Many have referenced the year 2020 as the year of having 20/20 “vision”. What this means is having the ability to see new opportunities, the clarity to see through to what is next, gaining...
What now…Part 2 ???
image from Mary Anne Savio blog In the last blog we talked about how our intuition lights the way step by step. However, the roadmap isn’t totally clear even now as fall and the equimox is upon us. But some next steps are...
What Now???
Part 1 Did you ride the waves or were you pulled under the waves? It seems like everyone's saying it – Time seems to be flying. Have you felt it? We’re moving into the fall season quite quickly. The 8 8 Lions Gate and...
This Spring Partner With Divine Will
Have you felt the profound shifts? Are things shaking up for you? Have you been at a crossroads of what to do? Or lost your passion for what you had been doing? However, do you sense something new is being birthed? It’s...
Slip into Your Divine Soul Blueprint
The last few months have been like Mad Hatter’s Wild Ride. Or living in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland - down the rabbit hole and out again. We’ve had power moons, eclipses and now, Mercury...