Happy February, the month of the heart. Have you feel the stirring? And I’m sure you have you felt the ups and downs? The joy of new possibilities … then in the next moment you feel the heaviness of everything. Or do you find yourself upset about something in the outside world? Or maybe you have had that indecisive, back and forth feeling about something, instead of that strong inner yes causing you some anxiety. 

“Welcome yourself there. Feel like you are a pioneer. Feel that you remember something significant, that you have a depth and wisdom within you which are of great importance to this world.” ~Pamela Kribbe

It’s nearly a year now that we have all been living in a world of uncertainty. I don’t have to spell it out – you see, hear, read or talk about it – and live it – every day. There is much to process with what is happening in the outside world with things changing so quickly. What we need to do next is different than what we did yesterday. And, the people we care for may not think or process the way we do.

It’s in times like these that the simple things can bring you back to your personal center, to feel safe, connected to your truth, valuing yourself and your higher self’s wisdom, which is so essential in these times. Open the door to your heart and welcome yourself there!

At times to find that space can feel difficult or overwhelming, especially if you are highly intuitive and sensitive. In the busy-ness of the everyday it’s hard to remember that “coming home to yourself” and honoring yourself is the first most important step in finding that sense of peace and the ability to just BE you with confidence. Or to make decisions with clarity.

Taking a step back from it all, periodically, is really okay. Turning off and tuning out and tuning in for periods of time is what will keep you peace-filled, healthy, strong, and able to support yourself and others each day.

In our world of unrest, it’s important to find moments to really love and nurture your light, your soul, and your body. To do this has not been the message in our culture so it may seem counter intuitive not a priority to you.  It is important to turn the  focus back on yourself, to honor yourself, and recognize and appreciate all you’ve done these many months to support yourself, your loved ones, and your community.

“A real change of consciousness takes place internally and only has external consequences over time, and this also applies to you individually, in your own life… And this applies not only individually, but also worldwide.” ~Pamela Kribbe

“Do not fixate too much on what you see when you look at the condition of the world around you, because internal change is the key. Facing yourself with love and openness of mind, not judging yourself, and breaking through the depictions and images of society by which you have been conditioned. This is where your greatest mission lies, and you radiate that out to others without knowing it.”~Pam Kribbe

To love and honor yourself doesn’t have to take a lot of time.

As you go inward, there are simple ways to shift  your consciousness and restore your light and  personal power. All of which supports your emotional and physical wellbeing.

 You can find that gentle pathway to inner peace and clarity. Going inside, having reminders, and inspiration you can access or be surrounded with throughout the days keep you focused on you. When that happens you can connect to you,  being you, being your “best self”,  and focus on what’s most important to you. 

In my quiet moments, I continue to receive strong messages to create ways to remember how to “be home to ourselves” and deeply honor ourselves in powerful, but expedient, ways so we can move in the world feeling empowered to be our authentic selves. This was the  theme in December  as The Virtual Spa® was revived.  

This month,  I was getting the same message to continue to share other simple pathways to nurture our hearts and souls during the month of the heart, February. With that thought in mind, I created the Self-Love Pochette, a Serenity Pathways Spa bag. Learn more here.

In a world of unrest, it’s important to find as many moments as you can to love and nurture your light, your soul, and your body.  And to continue to soothe your heart and remember your light is critical  and to find your path forward with grace. Our inner shift is what shifts our outer world. 

Where is the most important place to start? Of course, with a little self-love, compassion, and tender loving care for yourself.
