It’s Our Job to Stay True to Ourselves

“The energy has been forward moving, barely allowing us to catch up with ourselves enough to sift through the bounty and put it all in order.” ~Mystic Mama

I read a newsletter that started with “now we have moved through the year of January”. This felt so true. I’m sure you’ve felt the squeeze of letting go that has intensified over this last year, through January, and is now seeping into February. It has been a bit relentless- triggering (pushing our buttons) with large and small “dramas” for many. If you’re a sensitive soul, you probably have been triggered by personal situations or felt the heavy energy of the multitude of issues and energy on the world stage. Many have also faced the loss of friends, acquaintances, and family leaving the planet unexpectedly.

What I understand about the astrology of the current moment is that Leo, the Lion, has bumped into to Chiron, the Wounded Healer. I take that to mean, we may desire to be out in the world with the courage of a lion, but are afraid to be vulnerable and just be ourselves for fear of it not being safe. It’s important to step out as your gifts, however they flow through you, are what will make our world a better place to be. But if you feel anxious after stepping out, it’s a good time to look at your old, limited beliefs about yourself.We often give our power over to others when we doubt ourselves. We hold back when we don’t know or are unsure if someone else will or will not agree with us. It’s not our job to convince or persuade others to our point of view. It’s our job to stay true to ourselves.

Planet earth can be a tough place to be. However, deep inside we know we’re here for a reason.

I have recently listened to Matt Kahn ( and Kaypacha* talk about the difficulty of just being our authentic self. I’ve also been part of conversations with peers and friends about the importance of expressing our feelings and thoughts without fear of it how might be received in the outside world.

It’s important to allow yourself to be vulnerable and not hesitant to step up for fear of repercussion of what someone might think about your way of being. You are being authentic when you allow others to see and hear who you are or your thoughts on an area in the outside world (like the Super Bowl half time show). If it causes a triggering situation, it’s to support you in freeing yourself from a belief and to help you to see more clearly. I hear you, believe me I know it’s not easy to turn inward and look at ourselves.

It’s also a time to remember WHY you are here.

What is your purpose? Don’t let ‘what is your purpose’ throw you, as your purpose is to BE who you are, without apology. It’s being true to yourself, paying attention to synchronicities, staying connected and trusting your inner guidance to lead you to your “purpose” on your journey. This is the biggest gift you can give yourself during the month of February – the month of the heart and love!

To support you in putting things in “order”, give you clarity or a sense of peace on your journey, I am offering a little love this month with a discount on the Diamond Energy Shifter audios. Purchase one or all eight downloadable energy shifter audios during the month of February with the code:  EnergyShifter2020 for 20% off at checkout.

These short but powerful energy shifter audios, like Aligning with Divine Will or Power Up Your Passions, will be a wonderful gift for yourself or someone you know needs support in being their true, authentic selves.

And Remember:

“Regardless of my surroundings, What people say, do, or feel, 

I have a core, essential truth,  It’s my destiny to reveal.”*

Be the rose creating a space flourishing in the cement*,


* Read more  from Kaypacha