Do think you’ve come into this life on a unique “Soul” journey? If you do, you know that ultimately your purpose is to be your authentic self and open to your unique fullness and radiate your light. However, with the busyness of our world and navigating life with its challenges we forget our innate truth and many times our gifts. Unfortunately, we don’t “remember” how to keep our connection to Source and fully be our multi-dimensional self with our earthly life obligations and the pull of the outside world. Then we become disempowered.

And many times as we witness other people’s journeys, we may not understand their choices, become upset or worried but it is their journey not our journey. I know I have reminded myself of this several times with people I care about. Even if it doesn’t look like it we don’t know what a person’s Soul journey is but we know somehow it’s leading them even if it doesn’t look like it on their “Soul” path and a reconnection to Source that which is love.

The question for you is…

How do you empower yourself during times of worry or during your personal challenges?:

How do you “remember” what your “Soul” Journey is?

How do you shift from being caught in the challenge cycle?

How do your remember your purpose and expand into the truth of who you truly are?

How do you open to new possibilities?

If you are curious to know more, I invite you to listen my interview with Lisa Hromada, Shift from Uncertainty to Possibility & Create a Life of Your Choosing. Listen now  to Lisa Hromada on HSP:Owning Our Sensitivity Create a Life Of Your Choosing or on your favorite Podcast platform. 

I know you will enjoy the Podcast,


P. S. Are you looking for more clarity? Or looking to stay aligned with your “purpose” and how you live life or expand your personal light? Or are you looking for more clarity and  inner guidance from your dreams? Or maybe a closer connection to your Source and personal guidance. If you said yes to any of those question I invite you to take a peek at the Dreaming Dragon Fly Pochette. 

“ I love dragonflies and when I received this gift Pochette I was delighted with the contents. I love to wear the moonstone dragonfly bracelet and it reminds me to remember my dreams and purpose during the day. I use the Dream Catcher essential oil before I go to bed. I have noticed more clarity in my night time dreaming. I love the smell of the Lavender-Vanilla soy candle. I love that it is soy!. Thank you so much for this wonderful gift bag.”
~Ann P.