It’s so easy to have  empathy and compassion for animals and people who are in pain. We feel the pain of what they’re going through, especially if you are highly sensitive and an empath. Our hearts go out to those animals, loved ones, friends and those hurting.

However, it’ so easy to feel confusion and chaos of another in distress and have it affect your energy and nervous system. This hijacks your natural way of being and your intuitive guidance. Many times it’s not easy to untangle ourselves and become neutral and still have love and compassion for others and ourselves. 

Think about this. Nothing is more soothing when someone is in distress and feels the calming presence of someone who is caring and compassionate. This energy mirrors and entrains their nervous system to the calm you’re radiating. This energy soothes their dysregulated nervous system (and yours). Just being your natural way of being calm and clear creates the change. In those moments of clarity you know what to say or what to do to support that person in distress.

The question is how can  I take care of  myself and have empathy? I invite you to listen to find out more about transformative power of compassion and turn the pain of empathy into calm.

Calming compassion to the “rescue”,
